
Sandcross Primary School

Inspiring Lifelong Success

Contact Us - General Enquiries

Sandcross School
Sandcross Lane


Telephone: 01737 245467


General queries:  

Opening Hours: 08:30 - 16:30 Monday - Friday Term Time Only (Phone lines close at 16:20)


Outside of these hours, there is duty Senior Leader who will be able to deal with any urgent matters. please call 01737 245 467 and choose option 5 


Office Manager and PA to Headteacher: Sophie Heat


Absences:  Please call 01737 245467, pressing option 1 for the answerphone to report any absences. Alternatively, you can email - 


School Dinners: For any queries or changes regarding school dinners please email the Office Team - 


Headteacher: Mr Mark Richards


For concerns regarding the support the school provides or in relation to Special Educational Needs, please contact: 

Inclusion Leader: Mr Richard Bates, Deputy Headteacher

SENDCOs: Mrs Jo Murdoch and Mrs E Anders - 


Chair of the Local Committee: Simon Primmer -


Multi Academy Trust: Everychild Trust c/o Hatchlands School, Hatchlands Road, Redhill, RH1 6AT  email: 


If you would like a paper copy of any information on our website, please contact Louise Keen as above.



If a parent requests a paper copy of the information on your school’s website, we will provide this free of charge.

Contact Us
