
Sandcross Primary School

Inspiring Lifelong Success

Educational Visits

At Sandcross Primary School, we aim to give our children a rich, varied and broad curriculum which offers children the opportunity to deepen their knowledge to a mastery level. 


Each half term, year groups either have a visitor come into the school or take part in a visit out of school. These trips add value to the children's education and excite them even further with their learning. 


The school will only ask parents for a maximum contribution of £45 per child for all visits throughout the year. At the beginning of the academic year you will receive notification of upcoming trips planned for the year, which are also published in the weekly Newsflash communication via email. Payments are currently made on our online system Scopay, for which you will need to download the app. You have the opportunity to pay for trips monthly or on an ad-hoc basis.


If you are from a low income family, the school are able to gain access to grants to help fund part or all of the cost. To apply for this you can ask the school office for the form or alternatively the form will be present on trip/event letters. 


Consent is collected for all trips at the beginning of the academic year but information will be sent to parents approximately two weeks before a trip to give further details and to order a school packed lunch where applicable. 


At Sandcross, we also give the children the opportunity to attend residential trips in Year 4 and in Year 6 and these are charged in addition to the £45 charge. If you need financial support for the residential costs, you can inform the school office and they will provide the relevant form. 
