
Sandcross Primary School

Inspiring Lifelong Success

Early Years

Nursery V2 1

Uploaded by Sandcross Training Videos on 2022-09-14.

Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum and Vision

Our Children

We strive to ensure that all of our children are happy, safe, secure and nurtured in order to become ‘lifelong learners’.

We inspire all the children to succeed and become confident, independent and resilient individuals by planning engaging experiences allowing the children to be problem solvers and risk takers. 



All of our staff are knowledgeable of children and how they learn. Our ethos is to ensure that staff are engaged, nurturing, flexible, fun and good role models. 



Our accessible environment allows the children to free flow inside and outside in order to make links between and access all seven areas of learning independently. Our well planned provision enables the children to develop key skills, whilst taking risks, in order to ensure the children can be successfully challenged and engaged. 


Standards and Progress

We create a high quality, personalised and bespoke curriculum which provides inclusion for every child. We endeavour to ensure that all children can make rapid progress from their starting points to the end of the year. 


Our Early Years Curriculum
The Early Years Foundation Stage is based upon seven areas of learning, divided into three Prime Areas and four Specific Areas.


Prime Areas of Learning:
Personal, Social and Emotional Development is enabling children to develop a positive sense of themselves and of others.


We aim to develop:

  • Relationships with other people
  • Independence
  • Self-discipline
  • Respect for other people, for belongings and for self
  • Co-operation 


Physical Development is helping children to develop their gross and fine motor skills, self-care and a positive sense of well-being.


We aim to:

  • Build confidence in what they do, including taking risks
  • Provide activities with physical challenges
  • Develop spatial awareness and co-ordination
  • Develop understanding of health and fitness
  • Develop fine and gross motor skills
  • Ensure understanding of the importance of personal hygiene 
  • Ensure understanding of the importance of personal safety
  • Ensure children can attend to all self-care needs


Communication and Language is developing understanding, listening and language.


We aim to: 

  • Provide opportunities to develop language and vocabulary at home as well as school
  • Encourage communication and language development through collaborative work and play
  • Use language as a basis for literacy and learning development 
  • Extend children’s attention and listening skills
  • Provide continual opportunities for conversation with adults and with peers
  • Develop good communication skills
  • Develop good questioning and conversational skills


Specific Areas

Mathematics is building on early numeracy skills and developing mathematical understanding in number, calculating and shape, space and measure.


We aim to:

  • Provide a wide range of imaginative and enjoyable activities
  • Develop specific mathematical language
  • Provide opportunities to experiment with numbers, shapes and measures through practical activities
  • Provide opportunities for problem solving and challenge


Literacy is promoting phonic skills and early reading and writing. 


We aim to do this by providing opportunities for:

  • Communication
  • Sharing books, rhymes and music
  • Role play situations
  • Opportunities for writing during both adult-led and child-initiated learning
  • Activities which develop phonological awareness
  • Developing reading skills
  • Phonics following the Read, Write, Inc scheme 


Understanding the World is helping children to make sense of the world around them.


We aim to:

  • Stimulate interest and curiosity of the environment
  • Help children communicate
  • Help children explore and question issues of difference
  • Give experience of practical activities
  • Build investigation skills
  • Encourage children to learn basic Computing skills
  • Develop an understanding of different technologies and their role in everyday life


Expressive Arts and Design is enabling children to make connections between art, music, dance, role play and imaginative play.


We aim to provide:

  • A wide range of activities that children can respond to using all of their senses as appropriate
  • Opportunities to express ideas through different mediums
  • Opportunities for self-expression through role-play and musical activities
  • Opportunities to develop imagination and creativity

