
Sandcross Primary School

Inspiring Lifelong Success

Our Local Governing Body

School governors (known as Local Governing Body members in our Trust) are people who want to make a positive contribution to children’s education. Governors are one of the largest volunteer forces in the country and have an important part to play in raising school standards.  The role of the governing body is crucial to the effectiveness of a school. (National Governors Association)

The Governors at Sandcross Primary School are a highly effective, committed group of people who offer support and challenge as part of the effective leadership of the school.  Their role is to oversee the way that the school is run, ensuring that the children get the best education possible and that it fulfils all statutory responsibilities.  


More information on the role of the Local Governing Body and Governance of the Everychild
Partnership Trust can be found here -

   Membership and Roles of the Local Governing Body


Simon Primmer


Appointed LCM

I hSimon Primmerave been a member of the Local Governing Body for over 4 years with both my children attending Sandcross School. I am passionate about the school and the education it provides to our children, ensuring they get the most out of their time at Sandcross and enjoy the experience. During my time with the school, I have seen it grow and evolve into the fantastic place it is today, with high standards, a strong leadership team, amazing teachers and staff.  I have a long history in the financial services sector, working at consultancy firms where I supported Trustee decision making, managed a number of large pension schemes and at a public body ensuring those who needed financial support received the right guidance at the right time. I now work at the Department for Work and Pensions where I steward a national financial guidance service. I hope that my experience along with those of our fantastic committee members benefits the school and the community.



Jo Canneaux         

Vice Chair

Parent elected LCM


I am a parent Local Governing Body member and have a daughter at Sandcross School. I work as a Clinical Psychologist in child mental health services and have a special interest in Autism and ADHD.  I am also an author of a number of books in this field.  I am passionate about ensuring every child has the best experience possible at Sandcross school whatever their strengths and challenges.  






Abi Marsh

Parent LCM


Abi MarshI joined the Local Governing Body as a Parent Member in May 2022. I am a loyal and passionate member of the Sandcross Primary School Community, I have two daughters at the school.  I have been a Parent Class Representative since 2020 and thoroughly enjoys liaising between the school and parents.

Throughout my career, in the charity and public sectors, managing visitor attractions I have had responsibility for operational and strategic leadership of staff and volunteers. I manage large budgets and participate on Boards ensuring successful delivery of complex projects. Key to my  role is engaging and collaborating with stakeholders ensuring their needs and views are represented. 

I am an advocate for the school and use my skills, values and experience to work alongside fellow local committee members to support the Sandcross Leadership Team to achieve their compelling vision.  I am passionately committed to playing my part in providing the best possible education and outcomes for the children.




Amelia Warren

Staff LCM


I haveAmelia Warren been at Sandcross for four years, teaching in both year three and year four. I am interested in the behind the scenes of the school, how decisions are made and how these are influenced. I currently have the role of leading Pupil Parliament where I can work closely alongside the governors to make Sandcross an even better place. I look forward to learning new skills and being part of the wider school body.



Register of Interests & Attendance 


Please see the attached document below:

We have also provided a Register of Local Committee Members and an Annual Statement of Issues for your information.


If you have any questions about the Local Committee or would like to get involved please contact the school office.

Link Governors - roles and responsibilities for the Governing Body 


SEND / Safeguarding - Simon

Leadership, Management and Quality of Education – Adam/Jo 

Pupil Premium / Underserved / Early Years - Abi

Pupil Performance - Millie
