
Sandcross Primary School

Inspiring Lifelong Success


Developing memorable experiences through Physical Education, having a positive impact on all areas of the child’s life and enabling them to take responsibility for their own learning and the world around them.



Physical Education is essential so that children can maximise their physical and emotional development and the principle that we all need to be healthy. PE can embed values that our children can carry forward for the rest of their lives.  The lessons will involve exploration and problem solving so that the children can work independently but motivate them to work interdependently to achieve goals. PE tasks will develop the child to be resilient to face future challenges. So along with competition, any team building exercise should encourage collaboration and cooperation. Our curriculum aims to improve the health and wellbeing of all, not only through the sporting skills taught, but through the underpinning values and disciplines PE promotes. 





Physical Education creates a positive environment by setting a challenging and enjoyable learning environment:

  • Dance, Gymnastics, Invasion Games, Net & Wall Games, Strike and Field Games, Swimming, and Outdoor & Adventure.
  • Pupils participate in two high quality PE lessons each week 
  • House System: Red, Yellow, Green and Blue teams
  • Sports Day that is competitive and all inclusive
  • Lunchtime and after school club sports clubs are available for children to attend
  • Sandcross aims to meet the government target of each child exercising for sixty minutes a day
  • The introduction of the ‘Daily Mile’ has encouraged children to get outside and exercise daily 
  • Children are invited to attend competitive sporting events within the local area 
  • Active Surrey where all children are able to engage in additional school challenges like Physifun, Skipping Workshops, Table Tennis, Dance workshops
  • Winter and Summer inter class and house challenges. 
  • The ABC’s are basic athletic abilities namely agility, balance, and coordination
  • Year 5 children are invited to become Sports Ambassadors for the school


This is achieved through a range of sporting activities including with the class teacher taking one lesson and the other lesson with sport specialists, one sporting discipline is covered every half term. In addition, children are encouraged to participate in the varied range of extra-curricular activities.


The curriculum focuses on the development of athletic skills and reflects the development of fundamental skills. To move properly and develop athletic skills they must first develop fundamental motor skills. These skills can then be learnt and applied by providing activities that encourage: balancing (dynamic and static), bending, climbing, landing, rolling, stopping, stretching, swinging, turning, twisting, dodging, galloping, jumping for height and distance, leaping, running, skipping, walking, catching, dribbling (feet/hands), kicking, striking, and throwing. These skills can then be applied to enable them to participate in activities that require decision making for example through team games.


Competition is important at Sandcross and this encourages our children to have goals to push for and take on challenges. This approach encourages not only physical development but also mental well-being and helps develop teamwork and leadership skills. There is a realisation that the individual talent needs accumulating into game understanding and team chemistry.


Developing leadership skills is especially important throughout the child’s time at Sandcross. In September, a small group of children work from Year 5 with staff to develop into sporting role models for the younger children, assisting with lunch-time clubs, our annual Sports day and any other sporting activities.


Children in Year 3, 4, 5 and 6 all have the opportunity to have swimming lessons at different times throughout the academic year. Sandcross is in the heart of a big community and we share close links with local partners and are looking to increase these links. Increasing parents and children’s knowledge of available sports and outside clubs is a big focus. This includes promoting local clubs and events. 





We measure the impact of our teaching through regular assessment and recognise that observation and monitoring is vital for children to make progress. Through regular assessment, both formal and informal, we are able to identify children that are struggling to make progress and those that would benefit from an intervention. At Sandcross we must also recognise the gifted and talented pupils who are achieving or have the potential to achieve levels beyond the rest of their year group. All the students at Sandcross will participate in regular PE lessons. The lessons will be enjoyable and challenging with opportunities to participate in a variety of extra activities during the school day. This will focus on cardiovascular improvement so that we can have a big impact on children’s fitness and health and wellbeing. This includes the ‘daily mile’ and any other fitness challenges that are set for the children. New equipment for each year group will encourage positive and fun activities during movement breaks and lunch times. Regular exercise is vital in the fight against child obesity. We all know the many health problems that are associated with obesity and how important it is to lead a healthy and active lifestyle.


We strongly believe that physical exercise helps children relieve stress and anxiety. Our children today are arguably under more pressure than ever, so it is vital for them to have an outlet for this stress. The PE lessons will give them the opportunity to express themselves in a positive environment. Staff will set up sports in groups and by giving individuals different roles will help our young people to improve their teamwork and leadership skills. It will also help them to form stronger bonds between peers and promote a healthy class dynamic.


The lessons will teach children to have improved self-discipline. They can implement this self-control in all aspects of their life, from better controlling their emotions to being more self-motivated with their studies. Resilience, the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties is a key challenge at Sandcross and this is marshalled throughout the PE curriculum. Creating the student’s positive mindset through developing independence, problem solving and learning from their mistakes will have a positive aspect on all areas of their life, such as their personal relationships and ability to integrate quickly and make friends, to thinking about their future goals.


PE at Sandcross will develop the individual's motor skills and strengthen their muscles. When fine motor skills are developed, children will be more adept at doing a variety of skills.


Our PE curriculum is designed to challenge, develop and nurture the “Whole Child‟ with a mission of “Inspiring Lifelong Success‟. 


