Inspiring Lifelong Success
ParentView and Parent Voices
At Sandcross Primary School we strongly believe in listening to all our stakeholders. Parents are a crucial part of a child's education and the wider success of our school. There are a number of ways to let us know your thoughts about our school:
Daily Contact
The children are collected from the playground at the start of each day and brought back out at the end of the day. This is a good opportunity to quickly mention something to class teacher relating to your child or the school. There will also usually be a member of the Senior Leadership Team near the Pupil’s entrance at the start and / or end of the day.
Make an appointment
Sometimes you may wish to discuss an issue in more depth and we would ask you to either talk directly to your child's class teacher to arrange an appointment or e-mail them to arrange a suitable time to come in.
Please email the office if you are unable to speak to a member of staff.
We kindly ask that any emails are directed to the office and matters can then be dealt with via our admin team. We strongly advice parents against emailing teachers to ensure their time is spent creating and delivering the best possible lessons for your children. Thank you for your understanding.
Parent Meetings
We hold several meetings for parents each year.
In September there will be a year group curriculum meeting, where you will be given information relating to your child’s learning as well as any other organisational pieces of information you might need. There is a chance here to ask any general questions, or if you prefer you can ask your child’s class teacher any more specific questions at the end of the meeting.
Later in the Autumn term and also in the Summer term, there are individual ten minute parent consultation meetings for you to receive an update on how your child is progressing.
The week after academic reports are given out, parents consultation meetings will take place. These meetings allow teachers and parents to work in partnership and agree on the child’s next steps in learning.
Parent View
Ofsted have their own communication tool which allows parents to record their views about a school. Please find a link to this website below.