
Sandcross Primary School

Inspiring Lifelong Success

Pupil Premium Funding

The government’s Pupil Premium funding is used to support the learning and development of our disadvantaged children and can be used on specific interventions or on whole school approaches. 


We gain additional Pupil Premium funding, if your child: 


  • Is currently eligible for Free School Meals (FSM)
  • Has at any point during the last 6 years received FSM (known as Ever 6 FSM)
  • Is adopted from local authority care or has since left care
  • Has a parent who currently works in the armed forces or has done so in the last 5 years (Ever 5 In Service Child)


At Sandcross, we use Pupil Premium funding in an imaginative way to address the key barriers to learning, by improving communication skills; developing reading, writing and mathematics skills.


But we also recognise that education is not just about academic attainment and at our school we place a great importance on the social and emotional well-being of our pupils through our ESLA programme.  Another important aspect of learning Pupil Premium is creating an opportunity to address is that of parental involvement.  We work closely with parents to developing partnerships, build relationships to help tackle issues such as behaviour and attendance.


Date of next review: September 2022


If you think your child may be eligible for extra funding, please apply through the school office. 


